Package 'promethee123'

Title: PROMETHEE I, II, and III Methods
Description: The PROMETHEE method is a multi-criteria decision-making method addressing with outranking problems. The method establishes a preference structure between the alternatives, having a preference function for each criterion. IN this context, three variants of the method is carried out: PROMETHEE I (Partial Outranking), PROMETHEE II (Total Outranking), and PROMETHEE III (Outranking by Intervals).
Authors: Miguel Angelo Lellis Moreira [aut, cre], Marcos dos Santos [aut], Carlos Francisco Simoes Gomes [aut]
Maintainer: Miguel Angelo Lellis Moreira <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.1.0
Built: 2025-02-21 03:14:18 UTC

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PROMETHEE I, II, and III Methods


The PROMETHEE method is a multti-criteria decision-making method addressing with outranking problems. The method establishes a preference structure between the alternatives, having a preference function for each criterion. IN this context, three variants of the method is carried out: PROMETHEE I (Partial pre-ordering), PROMETHEE II (Total pre-ordering), and PROMETHEE III (pre-ordering by inervals).


promethee123(alternatives, criteria, decision_matrix, min_max,
normalization_function, q_indifference, p_preference, s_curve_change, criteria_weights)



The names respective to set of alternatives in evaluation


The names respective to set of criteria in evaluation


A matrix where rows correspond to the criteria and columns correspond to alternatives, there is inputed the performance of alternatives in each criterion


A vector with objectives, minimize or maximize, to each criteria.


Numerical description relative to each type of normalization function to each criterion


Indifference threshold


Preference threshold


Threshold of changing in the curve


Numerical representation of the respective importance for each criterion


- For normalization function we have six types: [ 1 ] for USUAL (0 or 1) — [ 2 ] for U-SHAPE (0 or 1) q [ 3 ] for V-SHAPE (x/p or 1) p [ 4 ] for LEVEL (0, 0.5 or 1) q , p [ 5 ] for V-SHAPE I (0, (x-q)/(p-q) or 1) q , p [ 6 ] for GAUSSIAN (0 or 1-e^(-x^2/2*s^2)) s ———————————- q = indifference parameter p = preference parameter s = parameter to indicate change in the preference curve

- The input of thresholds depends of the type of preference function used;

- The sum of weights must be 1;


- Performance in each criterion;

- Global Index of Importance;

- Importance Flows (Positive, Negative, and Net);

- Preference relations in PROMETHEE I;

- Total Outranking in PROMETHEE II;

- Preference relations in PROMETHEE III;

- Graphical representations of PROMETHEE I, II, and III.


Miguel Angelo Lellis Moreira [email protected], Marcos dos Santos [email protected], Carlos Francisco Simoes Gomes [email protected]


BRANS, Jean-Pierre; DE SMET, Yves. PROMETHEE methods. In: Multiple criteria decision analysis. Springer, New York, NY, 2016. p. 187-219. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3094-4_6. <>


alternatives <- c("SARP", "ORAC", "TOTS", "MICRO", "IBRP")

criteria <- c("Price", "Complexity", "Security", "Performance")

decision_matrix <- matrix(c(15, 29, 38, 24, 25.5,
                            7.5, 9, 8.5, 8,    7,
                            1, 2,   4, 3,    3,
                            50, 110, 90, 75, 85),

                            ncol = length(alternatives), nrow = length(criteria), byrow = TRUE)

min_max <- c("min", "min", "max", "max")

normalization_function <- c( 5 , 5 , 5 , 5 )
q_indifference <- c(2, 0.5 , 1 , 10)
p_preference <- c(5 , 1 , 2 , 20)
s_curve_change <- c("","","","")

criteria_weights <- c(0.2 , 0.2 , 0.3 , 0.3)

promethee123(alternatives, criteria, decision_matrix, min_max, normalization_function,
q_indifference, p_preference, s_curve_change, criteria_weights)